What we do

Introducing Opticycle, Australia's only end to end recycling solution for used contact lens cases and eyeglasses. Opticycle is committed to advancing environmental sustainability and tackling the recycling difficulties related to products from the opticle industry.

With a keen focus on preserving the planet, Opticycle streamlines the recycling process for contact lens cases, which often pose difficulties for conventional recycling systems due to their size and composite material structure. Opticycle has also developed a process to recycle used eyeglasses and lenses. 

Opticycle encourages individuals across Australia to actively participate in waste reduction and contribute to a greener and more eco-conscious future.

Why choose Opticycle

Leaders in eye & vision care sustainability

Opticycle consists of a team of dedicated industry professionals with extensive experience in waste and recycling, logistics, training and education, stakeholder engagement and sustainability reporting.

Education, the key to success

We work with you to educate staff, using educational material tailored to your programs. We also focus on continued learning and education so that staff & consumers remain aware of and keep up to date with program changes.

Transparency at our core

Absolute transparency is what we are all about. We only offer services where viable end markets exist for recovered materials, and our detailed service reporting provides real time access to data and information that can be used to support ESG and CSR reporting.

our solutions

Opticycle's solutions

Disposable Contact Lenses Case Recycling

Our Disposable Contact Lenses Case Recycling Program collects and recycles contact lens cases that would normally go to landfill. Each box or bag received at our processing facility is checked in and weighed allowing us to track and report on performance across our network of participating organisations.

Eyeglasses and Lens Recycling

Opticycle works with optometrists and retailers to provide a solution to collect unwanted eyeglasses and lenses. Opticycle can work with you to design a program to collect unwanted stock from your organisation.